
Experience Report on Updating Keyboard Firmware Written in Rust

Here are some notes on the experiences I had updating some keyboard firmware I had written in the Rust programming language. Context: My Dive into the Mechanical Keyboard Rabbit Hole This was for keyboard firmware I’d written in Rust. In mid-2020, I took my first steps into the mechanical keyboard hobby when I bought the BM40 keyboard. I thought it [...]

Posted at October 30, 2023 | read more

John Wick 4 is Good Fun

I finally got around to watching John Wick 4. I hadn’t loved John Wick 3.
In JW3, Wick takes a lot of physical punishment and manages to keep fighting against all his enemies. What ruins the movie for me is scenes like where his enemies beat him, but they then don’t kill him; and so Wick is then able [...]

Posted at September 27, 2023 | read more

So I Just Finished Tomb Raider 2

Well. I’d played it years ago. And I would’ve cheated when I played it last. I had fun playing it again now. I loved the adventure aspects of the game.
It’s satisfying to have enough of a grasp of how the level is designed so as to make your way through it! The designs of the levels themselves are [...]

Posted at September 20, 2023 | read more

Classic Lara Croft is Back, Huh

A remaster of the first three Tomb Raider games has been announced. Remastered Games This continues a trend of classic games receiving touch ups and being sold as new. For gamers, this has the advantage of making these remastered games easy to play on modern systems. Without such remasters, you’d either have to play the game on a console with [...]

Posted at September 19, 2023 | read more

Using NixOS on an OpenStack Public Cloud

Here are some notes on using NixOS in an OpenStack public cloud. Recall, NixOS is an operating system which makes use of the Nix package manager to manage its system configuration.
That NixOS allows declarative configuration of a system lends itself to building cloud VM images. OpenStack is a standard cloud computing platform. It offers services broadly similar to [...]

Posted at September 9, 2023 | read more

Two Kinds of Small Keyboards

In an earlier post, “Opinion on Small Keyboards and Big Spacebars”, I discussed the design flaws of traditional keyboards. – Mainly, traditional keyboards have big spacebars. Our thumbs are stronger than our pinky fingers, so it would be better to be able to use the thumbs more than the pinky fingers. A large spacebar results in the opposite: our thumbs [...]

Posted at August 29, 2023 | read more

Re-watching James Bond

I’ve been watching through the James Bond films with my wife. I’d seen the films many years ago, whereas this is my wife’s first watch through. Overall I’m getting a similar sense to what I got when I watched through Columbo with my wife: The lingering taste and cultural impact of these shows is the formula of these at their [...]

Posted at August 14, 2023 | read more

The Barbie Movie is Silly Fun

I went to go see the Barbie movie when I was visiting Malaysia with my wife. We wouldn’t have been able to see the movie in cinemas in Vietnam. Nine Dash Line It’s banned in Vietnam because, in one scene where a childlike depicition of a world map is shown, China’s nine dash line is represented. maritime-executive has an article [...]

Posted at August 1, 2023 | read more

So I Played Some Battlebit Remastered

“Battlebit Remastered” is trending on YouTube at the moment. At a glance, it has low-poly graphics, and is touted to have a lot of the charm that older Battlefield games had. (Maybe a lot of that is just nostalgia?). I don’t tend to play multiplayer games. I did watch a video that pointed out the game had voice-chat enabled, a [...]

Posted at July 20, 2023 | read more

Opinion on Small Keyboards and Big Spacebars

The mechanical keyboard hobby pretty much exploded in popularity during the pandemic. “Mechanical keyboards” generally brings to mind the loud, clicky switches; or perhaps people who have spent a lot of time (and often money) in order to get a keyboard that feels nice. But, there’s a niche part of the hobby which is passionate about playing around with more [...]

Posted at June 29, 2023 | read more


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