Notes, OneNote and Org Mode
Tags: notetaking, onenote, programming.emacs,
[Updated 2018-11; my understanding of org-mode has improved]
Roughly: A OneNote Notebook has Sections, and Pages within the section. Editing the notes in a page feels similar to editing a simple Word document.
Org Mode
Roughly: org-mode is a renowned organisation tool,
which is built on top of Emacs.
org files are plaintext, with notes structured using a “heading”. In
addition to marked-up content, each heading can have tags, key-value
properties, and sub-headings associated with it.
- Both are free (as in “free-beer”).
- org-mode is licensed under GPL, so it’s “free as in free speech”.
- OneNote is much simpler to use out of the box, compared to org-mode:
- Usage and discovering what OneNote can do is easier out-of-the-box.
- OneNote is much easier to sync OneNote notebooks between multiple devices (desktops, tablets, phones).
- org-mode is a part of Emacs. Which is itself a great tool but is
also not necessarily to pick up and use out of the box.
- For what it’s worth, there are distributions of Emacs which make it easier to pick up and use out of the box (compared to an unconfigured Emacs).
- For what it’s worth, since “org mode” is a set of features implemented for a plaintext file format, it’s possible for non-Emacs editors to have “org mode”s.
- Sharing and collaborating:
- OneNote puts heavy emphasis on cloud-service. Sharing a OneNote document is as straightforward as getting a link to share with them. Collaborating is also simple, as changes are synced.
- org-mode is a plaintext file. This allows for different solutions depending on the capabilities and requirements involved. (e.g. I’d be surprised if any long-lasting org-mode file weren’t under version control or in a DropBox/etc. folder).
- Notes format:
- simple notes (prose, or simple lists, hyperlinks, various markup) are as good in either format.
- OneNote is much better for very visual notes.
e.g. OneNote supports tablets/pens; as well
as diagrams. (Similar how ‘visual’ MS Powerpoint can be).
- It is possible to get images/diagrams in org-mode, though. But it’s not as simple out of the box
- org-mode’s emphasis on headings allows for much greater flexibility. But it’s not very clear how to effectively make use of this when first looking at org-mode.
- For task management:
- org-mode excels as a system for organising where it’s not always clear what’s a note (to be referenced later) or a task (to be reminded of / done).
- OneNote’s support for this is extremely rudimentary.
(e.g. checkboxes beside a bullet-point).
- OneNote 2016 (which is different than OneNote for Windows 10) had support for integration with Outlook Tasks. And people who love Outlook love Outlook.
- Search:
- OneNote’s searching is very primitive. e.g. matching words
- You can link to a different part of the notebook.
- OneNote 2016 did have “tags”. This is “coming soon” to OneNote.
- org-mode is great at this.
- Because org-mode’s note structure is a hierarchy of headings,
and different meta-data (tags, properties) can be attached to
each heading, org-mode is able to provide a variety of ways to
“see what you want to see”.
- e.g. show the headings from all the note files which are scheduled for upcoming day(s). (An “agenda”).
- e.g. show the headings which have state “TODO” and have the
- Because org-mode’s note structure is a hierarchy of headings,
and different meta-data (tags, properties) can be attached to
each heading, org-mode is able to provide a variety of ways to
“see what you want to see”.
- OneNote’s searching is very primitive. e.g. matching words
Recommended Use Cases
org-mode is a much more sophisticated tool, with a much harder learning curve than org-mode. The added complexity provides a rich set of features for making use of notes in org-mode.
org-mode’s complexity can also be justified like this: - if you’re writing notes, maybe you want to add some tasks to do - if you have tasks to do, you might want to schedule this on a calendar - it’s also probable you’ll want to make notes from your appointments or tasks.
If you have the time to learn it, I’d recommend org-mode as the better
tool, in cases:
- notes don’t need multiple collaborators.
or all collaborators are willing to set up a way to sync the same
set of notes.
- you can spare some time to learn a few features of org-mode
- your note-taking workflow doesn’t need PowerPoint-style visual
note-taking, nor tablet-input.
OneNote and org-mode are both excellent tools. OneNote has a simpler
set of features. Simpler means easier to use;
but here it also means “more limited”.
If you’ve not used either, I’d start with OneNote and consider
Links to org-mode Manual for Some Features OneNote Lacks
- Agenda Views
- I’d say this is the main thing which makes org-mode so much more powerful than OneNote (and other tools).
- org-mode’s Babel
- This is programmer-oriented, but if org-mode is a killer feature of emacs; babel is a killer feature of org-mode.
- I like using Babel for ledger-cli journals.
- Column View
- A more concise way for viewing a sequence of headings and their properties. (This is like JIRA’s query results view; the equivalent org-mode view would have tasks/issues/tickets as headings).
- Document Exporting
- Personally I’ve not made use of this. It may be useful for exporting to icalendar, LaTeX/PDF, HTML, beamer.
- Time Management
- org-mode has a dauntingly large set of features related to date/time. This relates to using org-mode as a calendar, as well as time tracking.