Comparing Cucumber vs All-in-Code BDD Specs

Posted on January 19, 2019 by Richard Goulter

A couple of years ago I added a couple of Cucumber specs to a side-project of mine.
I did this because I was learning to use Cucumber since I was being hired as a Software Engineer in Test. (Their existing automated acceptance tests used Cucumber).

I recently picked the project up again to do some maintenance on it, and I chose to migrate from using Cucumber to using all-in-code ScalaTest for implementing the same specifications.

When using Cucumber, you must ask “why use Cucumber over an all-in-code tool like RSpec (or ScalaTest)”. So, here are some considerations about the trade-offs between using Cucumber and using all-in-language tests:

Recap: Cucumber and BDD

Cucumber is a tool which enables structuring tests in a certain way. This structure particularly supports a “Behaviour Driven Development” (BDD) workflow.
BDD is the idea of specifying behaviours (after having refined what these behaviours should be from examples).
That is: a specification is an artifact from the project-management side; and Cucumber is a tool which executes specifications of behaviours.
BDD’s selling point is “build the right product”. And executable specifications aim to provide “living documentation” about what the code actually does.

Well, that’s my understanding of it from Gojko Adzic’s fantastic “Specification By Example”.

Specifications and Cucumber, from a developers perspective: - Any automated test involves 3 things: - Set up some System Under Test (SUT) - Get the SUT to perform some action - Check that the SUT did what it was supposed to do. - Technically, automated tests may also need to clean up the environment they run in; but this is a technical detail about running the tests, not a detail about checking the SUT. - I’ve seen these three steps described with the mnemonic “Assemble, Act, Assert” which I quite like. - Typically, documentation about what a program does is hand-written. (Although there are interesting tools which try and address this, like Java’s Spring’s REST Docs). - Cucumber’s file format involves describing a “feature” which is a sequence of “scenarios”. (Roughly corresponding to “suite” and “test” in xUnit terms). Each scenario consists of steps. - For example. from rspec-expectations: cucumber Given a file named "compare_using_eq.rb" with: .... Ruby code using RSpec Expectations .... When I run rspec compare_using_eq.rb Then the output should contain "3 examples, 0 failures" - it’s a good convention to write the scenario’s steps in a “Given/When/Then” sequence; and this corresponds to “Assemble, Act, Assert”. - Cucumber’s differentiating feature is that the executable specification is separate from the code which runs it. - i.e. a Cucumber test suite has its executable specification in a .feature file, written in Gherkin syntax. This is then executed using test code in “step definitions”. - My impression is that there are different styles of writing Given/When/Then steps: - steps as a convenient way to arrange test code/examples. e.g. for libraries (or APIs) like RSpec. This seems to be the easiest kind of product to write executable specifications for. - steps as “pseudo code”. This seems a compromise for getting documentation which is tested, with less emphasis on readability. - steps as declared descriptions. This is what I think is best for high-level end to end specifications. (Although this ends up with steps which are too vague if they are too high level and don’t mention any details).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Approach

Relevant advantages/disadvantages for Cucumber vs all-in-code specs: (As opposed to inherent difficulties with end-to-end or out-of-process acceptance tests).

Advantages of Cucumber: - Cucumber specification features are English-readable in plaintext files. This is useful if you want to see “what are the specifications? what does the software do?” at a glance. - It’s much harder to access the “executable specification” from in-code specs (like RSpec or ScalaTest’s FeatureSpec). The “Given/When/Then” are mixed in with the step-execution code. - Cucumber makes it easier to adhere to an “executable specification discipline”. Because scenarios in the Feature file are idiomatically written with “Given/When/Then” steps, writing test code outside that convention naturally smells. - Similarly, if the step-definition code doesn’t “obviously agree” with the step it’s defining, this is another clear smell. - It “smells” if the executable specifications aren’t used anywhere. My experience is that tests tend to be ignored (beyond whether they pass and maybe coverage metrics); but I think tests could be leveraged to provide more value than this. - With all-in-code specs, it’s much easier to be sloppy and have poorly written specs or poorly engineered code which tests the code. - It “smells” if the Feature files aren’t used anywhere. (IME, It’s typical to ignore tests anyway. But I think this is a smell). - It’s easier to produce “living documentation” from a tool like Cucumber than a tool like RSpec.

Disadvantages of Cucumber: - Cucumber step-definitions code has a weird “interface”. “interface” in John Ousterhaut’s use of the word: “interface” is the stuff you need to be aware of in order to use code.
- With normal imperative code: each statement is essentially adjacent to each statement in the program, or is embedded in some structure like a function or a class.
It’s typically straightforward that the ‘interface’ is all the code in the function, any incoming parameters; and if unlucky, access to “global” state. - With step definitions: It’s possible that some steps will need to store information for later steps or make use of information from previous steps. Steps need to be written in a way that makes the assumed interface as obvious as possible, at the same time as being an idiomatic way to describe some step in a test scenario. - It’s really hard to write good specifications.

Disadvantage of all-in-code specs: - With code, it’s really tempting to “Dont Repeat Yourself” (DRY) so that there’s less code to read.
Whereas, tests should “tell a story”. (They should use “Descriptive and Meaningful Phrases” rather than be ‘DRY’).
With all-in-code specs, if a test step is re-used, then either subsequent steps are nested (which may be hard to read) or copy-pasted elsewhere in the test code. - Cucumber’s approach is to organise test code by step definitions. So, to see the full code listing for a test scenario, you have to view each step definition.
Each step may be “DAMP”, but not the whole scenario.

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