Developer Training and Knowledge

Posted on March 10, 2020 by Richard Goulter

“What are the costs?” ought to be a natural question provided alongside “what are the benefits?”. This doesn’t get asked often enough in the discussions of new tools/technologies.
The costs/benefits implicitly impact discussions since the trade-offs will be different in different situations.
As a developer, I ought to have this in mind when consuming discussions.

To get better as a developer, I ought to increase my experience and skills:
Experience is what I gain from recovering from mistakes.
Skills I have are what I get from learning.
So, online discussions about new tools/technolgies are relevant because they ask: “what skills should programmers have?”, and this is implicitly subject to “how much time/effort should be spent learning?”.

Costs and Benefits

The universal answer to questions in computing is “it depends”.

Different groups/contexts consider costs and benefits differently.

There are innumerably many factors which can be better or worse between different tools. e.g. speed of development, ease of maintenance, ease of writing, ease of reading, ease of learning, similarity to other tools, compilation/runtime speeds, verbosity, implicit vs explicit, etc.
– These will have different levels if importance to different people.

e.g. Steve Yegge’s Portrait of a n00b discusses that “experts” prefer code to be terse, whereas “n00bs” prefer lots of supporting information around the code itself.
For the n00bs, code has a high cost to read, and so this cost is lowered with comments, metadata, and having less code on the screen. For experts, dense code has a higher signal-to-noise ratio.
In its takeaways, the article suggests that paying the cost of metadata doesn’t necessarily give any benefit; but that e.g. surely the benefit of documentation for public-facing APIs is always worth paying for.
– In this snapshot of a Google+ post, Yegge further builds on this idea, with different preferences for ‘liberal’ vs ‘conservative’ programmers. The split is seen as different levels of comfort with the risk of breaking code in production. (“just fix it” vs “high level of confidence in correctness”).

Why Learn and What to Learn

This would be irrelavent if you just stuck with the tools/skills you’ve got and never bother to learn anything new.

The main external reasons to need to learn things are because you need to for school, or because the tools are used where you work.
Maybe you’ll want to study more in the hopes of being more efficient in those roles.

As far as I can tell, though, the main reason to learn outside of that is ‘for fun’.
Geeks argue about all this shit because it’s interesting to.

If you’re not learning some skill because you explicitly have to, or not just because you’re naturally interested in it, then at-best you’re making a bet on getting a higher reward (at some point in the future) than the cost you’re paying to learn.

Though, maybe even then there can be some benefit to that.
e.g. Python Paradox suggests that it’s lower-risk to try and hire developers who use “comparatively esoteric” programming languages like Python. (This was written in 2004), since the only people who would bother to learn Python are people who find it interesting. (Since you’re not going to get a job writing in Python).

This is also another way of describing ‘Choose Boring Technology’. (It’s less risky to choose technology with known costs; as a rule of thumb, only use a few ‘new technologies’). The perjoratives “Hype-Driven Development” and “Resume Driven Development” also try and push back against choosing technologies for the benefit without understanding the cost.

Forever Learning and Forever Forgetting

Developers tend to take a ‘just in time’ approach to learning for work; taking advantage of ‘monkey-see monkey-do’.
This somewhat changes the interpretation of “forever learning” from “there’s always more to learn, so I’ll be forever learning” to “I’m always working with different software development tools, so I’ll be forever learning”.

Either interpretation of “forever learning” would be fine,
but I’m not sure there’s much adjustment for “forever forgetting”:
In The Atlantic’s Why We Forget Most of the Books We Read, the author mentions a “forgetting curve”. The article discusses that tools like the internet provide an ‘external memory’, allow us to get information without having to remember it ourselves. The result is that ‘recall memory’ (“ability to spontaneously call information up in your mind”) is less important than ‘recognition memory’ (remembering where the information is, and how to access it).

This feels like a pretty good model to me.

Maybe this means incremental reading isn’t such a bad idea. (Though it’s certainly not a common idea).

Boost Recall with Spaced Repetition

Programmers are familiar the idea of external memory. Search engines lead us to StackOverflow, or GitHub issues.
Often documentation is pretty good, and editors with LSP support can even show this as you type out the code.
Things like compiler errors, editor discoverability, and auto-complete help too.

Recall memory seems a bit more dull.
For the tools/languages which I’m familiar with, there’ll be a lot which I don’t need to lookup. e.g. I can remember how to output text to STDOUT, how to import a package, how to define a function.

I think recall-misses where I need to stop to look things up don’t necessarily interrupt a state of flow.
I think “having to look up documentation for stuff unrelated to the problem domain” is less of a problem than not being able to type. I think effective use of a text editor (like with vi or emacs or kakoune keybindings) is more important than either.
– But, still: Surely it’d be great if I could recall things without spending time time to use a search engine to look for an answer.

To improve recall retention, what you want to recall would either need to be something you frequently use, or something you study.

Anki is ‘Spaced Repetition Software’ (SRS).
It’s a flashcard program, but the intervals between when it tests you on a flashcard increase for each correct recall of that card.
– Most of its users (as far as I can tell) use it for vocabulary studies, or for medical studies. As Wikipedia’s page on Spaced Repetition puts it: “spaced repetition is commonly applied in contexts in which a learner must acquire many items and retain them indefinitely in memory”.

This post “Augmenting Long Term Memory” discusses use of Anki. e.g. to assist in digesting technical papers. (e.g. start with being able to recall surface level facts, then incrementally aim to recall facts which build upon those).
The article also points out some drawbacks. It’s difficult to use Anki to improve recall for things you don’t actually care about. Adding flashcards isn’t (and probably shouldn’t be) low-effort. The article’s rule of thumb is it takes about 7 minutes of study per card per 20 years for a good flashcard (if each review of the card is 8 seconds).
– The article also generally suggests against using Anki to remember APIs in the hope that this would one day be useful. It’s better to first know an API before trying to Ankify things about it. But it’s also a bad idea to keep Anki flashcards that you don’t care about around, e.g. if you aren’t likely to use the API again.

For myself, I’ve used Anki for a year and a half. Studied ~80% of those days. Added around 3900 cards. The vast majority of these cards are for vocabulary.
– I do feel Anki does have a great benefit for the cost put into it. But it’s a bit more effort than “recall for free”.

Personal Knowledge Base

I’m beginning to like the idea of using a zettelkasten approach to storing reference.
This seems a more suitable approach between “ankify everything” and “go to the effort of recalling exactly what you came across”.

The important part of zettelkasten notes, as I understand it, is that each note in the system is small, the note hyperlinks to other notes, and the use of tagging helps with random lookup/search of the notes.

In particular, there’s not necessarily a hierarchical structure to the notes. The benefit of this is you don’t have to try to remember where a note was put.


Some examples in my mind make a bit more sense with “cost vs benefit”.

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