
Future Cop LAPD

Future Cop LAPD is an old game, released for PlayStation One, as well as PC. It looks like there are dozens of videos about it on YouTube, getting ~1k-10k views each. The comments are usually filled with “man, this was such a cool game”. Sadly, as happens with ‘legacy’ games, it doesn’t look possible to purchase on modern systems. Even [...]

Posted at October 7, 2016 | read more

On Programming and Testability

I’ve been reading some interesting blogposts recently: This summary of “Why Functional Programming Matters”, (I’ve not read the piece it summarizes, would probably be interesting) argues roughly that the usual pitch of FP is its purity (“no side effects, no having to reason about side effects”), & that this is a bad pitch. Rather, the benefits FP brings are that [...]

Posted at September 21, 2016 | read more

On QA Automation Blogposts

I’ve been reading up on the topic of test-automation. One kindof useful resource has been ThoughtWorks’ insights blog, but my feelings towards this are mixed.
Some of the posts have great insights, others are more mundane; and there’s a fetishization of nouns which makes wading through the bullshit to find the useful tips all that much harder. As an [...]

Posted at September 18, 2016 | read more

On Wet Shaving

It occurs to me I’ve never written about wet-shaving on this blog. “wet-shaving”, I’d say, is shaving not-with foam-from-a-can / cartridge-razor. So, using a shaving-brush with some shaving-soap (or shaving-cream), lathering the soap for the face, + using a safety/double-edged razor (or a straight-razor) to shave.
Pretty old-school. – I guess in the same way that programmers now may [...]

Posted at September 4, 2016 | read more

RWBY's Arkos Ship is Adorable

Recently I went back and re-watched RWBY’s Volume 3, Chapter 12.
Spoilers (up to end of Season 3) below; although I reckon RWBY’s story is good enough that it wouldn’t be “spoiled” by lack of surprise. I also had some fun watching some of the reaction videos for the episode.
I’m not a big fan of reaction videos [...]

Posted at August 24, 2016 | read more

On Revising in Programming and Blogging

In one of the more fascinating sidebars in “The Cucumber Book”, Dan North discusses his first experience pair-programming with Martin Fowler; initially aghast that Fowler spent time re-arranging the test code (and at times, duplicating) snippets of code.. until realising the improvement the changes brought: the test code became a more readable story.
(The principle “Don’t Repeat Yourself” was [...]

Posted at August 16, 2016 | read more

Cinematic Lego Games

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a classic game worth having in your library. (Ironically, it’s not the complete saga of the Lego games).
– Since then, there’ve been many other Lego games of the same style, like Lego Indiana Jones, Batman, Harry Potter, etc.; the most recent one being for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. If you’ve [...]

Posted at August 11, 2016 | read more

Systems and Tools Have Limitations

So “Goodbye OOP” is a piece which has been going around.
I’ve no idea why. I wasn’t able to finish reading it. The author’s tone is amazingly cringe-worthy.
After some time the of the clearly inexpert author (adopting a faux-foolish tone) bashing bad ways of OOP, the author concludes in a paragraph or two with “but, hey, Functional [...]

Posted at July 31, 2016 | read more

C++ Object Copying

C++ is quite a different beast of a language to, say, Java or Python.
My early programming experience was in the latter, so I find my ‘mental model’ for reasoning about what C++ does with the code I write is sometimes wrong. One area where I make mistakes is underestimating where C++ will make copies of objects.
That [...]

Posted at July 14, 2016 | read more

Men of Valor Has Not Aged Well

It’s kindof fun to see a game you’d seen on store shelves 10 years ago, available on Steam. In this case, Men of Valor, with a usual-price of S$10.50, and at the time of writing, on sale for 75% off. – Look, I removed my payment details from Steam during the Summer Sale, but I can hardly feel bad about [...]

Posted at July 9, 2016 | read more


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