Custom Ex Command in Yi Editor
This is something I’ve mentioned before, but I see that I wasn’t entirely clear on how to achieve it. In more detail, here are some notes on how to write a “Hello World” Ex-style command for the Yi editor.
– The exciting thing about this is it’s easier to write such commands for Yi than for Vim. The following [...]
In Another's Shoes
As part of a speech in 1928, Churchill gave the following fable: Once upon a time all the animals in the Zoo decided that they would disarm, and they arranged to have a conference to arrange the matter. So the Rhinoceros said when he opened the proceedings that the use of teeth was barbarous and horrible and ought to be [...]
Scala Development for Vim-loving Developers
So, I’ve blogged a bit about Vim.
Again, no, it’s not about “vim vs emacs”, so much as about “which features your text editing has”; and the vi-like modal editing fantastic for manipulating text. Recently I’ve had the fortune of programming in Scala.
The joke is that some programmers are happy to work in Scala because it’s not [...]
Notes on Building a Live Coding Tool for C99
I’ve been invited to talk at NUSHackers Friday Hacks on October 9th, about my FYP of building a ‘worksheet’/‘live coding’ environment for C.
This post is to note down anything pertinent / thinking-out-loud as to what to say. This is a draft. Here is a link to the presentation draft.
(Obviously, the colours need to change.). What is [...]
Black Ops 2
I play CoD for the single player. (Since my computer is usually too bad for the latest, and my internet connection can be sporadic at times). Since CoD 4, (CoD:MW2, CoD:BLOPS, CoD:MW3) the series has really loved its ‘one-trick-pony’ mechanics. Explosions-and-gunfire-everywhere-omg-intense-action (to the point where you can’t tell what’s going on), and way-too-many-helicopters, etc. have also been staples of the [...]
An Exercise in Hate-Reading
I understand ‘Hate-Reading’ to mean reading something prejudicially / with fore-knowledge that you’re going to dislike it.
You’re not reading it to build-bridges, but to bolster your own attitudes; you’re picking an example of what is condemnable about some group/idea you don’t like, and laughing at it in a “hey, look how stupid this is” kind of way.
Harnessing the Outrage Machine
South Park’s S19E1 episode, introducing the ‘PC Principal’, seemed to have upset some people. (e.g. this tweet, this tweet.
– For what it’s worth, the episode doesn’t say ‘political correctness is bad’, nor ‘social justice is bad’, and it certainly isn’t pandering to say these things are great. - The episode clearly attacks the disproportionate, abusive, bullying endorsed by [...]
Thoughts on Facebook Dislike Button
So, recently it hit my newsfeed that Facebook was working on a ‘dislike button’.
Except it’s not going to be a ‘dislike’ button, so much as a ‘condolences’ button; for giving one’s regards if a post isn’t appropriate to ‘like’.
– This subtlety didn’t particularly reach the many who failed to read past a headline title. (That is, [...]
Can We Play a Little Nicer?
It’d be nice if we could raise the level of public discourse.
Or, rather, can we talk to each other less stupidly? D’you think it’s reasonable that we can come together and talk about complicated issues without treating the people we disagree with as idiots? – Is there a country wherein political discussions are exchanges/arguments of the best ideas [...]
Watching Videogames
I kinda think action movies are boring.
I recently watched Fast & Furious 7. I loved it! It wasn’t as quite as stupid or bad as I’d heard it might be. It was good fun, despite being more “Furious” (gunplay/fights) than “Fast” (cars & such). – But despite my love for the absurdly-cool Saturday-morning-cartoon-ish idea of a bus which [...]