
Tips to Make Windows 10 Suck Less

Windows 10 has been pretty great so far. WHY HAS NO ONE MENTIONED WORKSPACES?
I always heard Windows 10 hyped up as a marriage of Windows 8 and Windows 7. Sure, I heard that Win 10 was going to have a ‘package manager’, just-like-Linux, but no one mentioned the workspaces.
Sure, I still don’t know the shortcut keys. [...]

Posted at August 22, 2015 | read more

Reflection on My Reflection

It’s been a year since I took CS3216 at NUS.
It’s quite a fun course, working on web app technologies. (For context of those who aren’t aware, almost all the coursework involves teamwork, and entry to the course is by-way-of application.). – I want to reflect on one of the blogposts I wrote; but to say “hey, what I [...]

Posted at August 18, 2015 | read more

Curious About GoodReads Reviews and Bullying

Preamble (Bullying is Bad, Try Telling the Bullies That) Amazon and GoodReads are both prominent places to review books. – My Humble Opinion is to prefer GoodReads, since I don’t use Kindle. I’ve written before about GoodReads: Wondering if people who read books more were less impressed by good books than people who weren’t as well read; and looking at [...]

Posted at August 13, 2015 | read more

Tabs vs Spaces and Elastic Tabs

I was surprised to discover I’ve not written about “tabs vs spaces” before, despite all my love for writing about editors. What’s “Tabs vs Spaces” All About? The less something matters, the more programmers will argue over it. (No, not “bikeshedding”, which is similar, but doesn’t quite account for things like programmers arguing over different programming languages.).
Grammarians are [...]

Posted at August 12, 2015 | read more

Open Letter Regarding Kate Breslin's "For Such a Time", and Diversity in Romance

So, Sarah Wendell’s Letter to the RWA regarding “For Such a Time” came to my attention; shortly after Suleikha Snyder’s rundown of RWA did. Snyder’s Post Snyder’s post is easier to summarise: She first says how great it was to meet with friends at RWA, then goes on to lament her other experience she describes as “a convergence of microaggressions.”. [...]

Posted at August 9, 2015 | read more

Impressions of Emacs and Org Mode

I’m a moderately capable Vim user.
I’ve not quite gained the habit of trying to constantly improve using Vim; but at the same time, I’m not exactly using it as something only slightly better than Notepad++. Lately I’ve been taking quick glances at Emacs.
I was impressed by this post from GitHub user bling, who suggests that Vim [...]

Posted at August 7, 2015 | read more

Notes, OneNote and Org Mode

[Updated 2018-11; my understanding of org-mode has improved] OneNote Roughly: A OneNote Notebook has Sections, and Pages within the section. Editing the notes in a page feels similar to editing a simple Word document. Org Mode Roughly: org-mode is a renowned organisation tool, which is built on top of Emacs.
org files are plaintext, with notes structured using a [...]

Posted at July 29, 2015 | read more

Case Study in Vim Plugin Development

I don’t know a lot about writing plugins.
My own experience goes as far as trying to write a plugin for Eclipse (which gets very complicated as soon as a plugin isn’t a “monolithic” bundle); as well as writing a quite small plugin for my C worksheet. (The fanciest thing it does is to download a JAR archive dependency [...]

Posted at July 22, 2015 | read more

Comical Conservative

Came across this on Facebook: Liberal: I am pro-choice
Me: Can I choose my own health care?
Liberal: No.
Me: Can I choose what I do with money I earn?
Liberal: No.
Me: Can I choose how I defend my family and possessions?
Liberal: No.
Me: What can I choose?
Liberal: An [...]

Posted at July 12, 2015 | read more

Beware Radicalisation

Shot(s): When Nerds Collide by @maradydd / Meredith Patterson, 2014 Mar (Bonus: Okay, Feminism, It’s Time We Had a Talk About Empathy, 2013 Oct).
Chaser: Meredith Patterson’s valient effort is probably doomed by @esrtweet / Eric S. Raymond, 2015 Jan. Well, at least ERS hedges by saying ‘probably’. I read the above two pieces from [...]

Posted at July 1, 2015 | read more


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