Best Programming Style Always Depends

Posted on December 17, 2016 by Richard Goulter

In Steve Yegge’s hauntingly interesting “Portrait of a n00b” article, he argues that:

  1. all meta-data is unnecessary for programs to run.
  2. n00b programmers can’t handle the complexity of code, and so prefer as much whitespacing as possible (so that there’s less code on the screen). – Expert programmers on the other hand prefer as much code on the screen as possible.
  3. So it’s unsurprising that n00b programmers will write bad code which is over-commented, with a strong preference for meta-data. (While Expert programmers will write bad code which is uncommented, and will avoid use of meta-data).

– The article also portrays the kind of person who loves modelling how situations; who just loves meta-data. Either programmers who pickup Database Administration, or who come across an ML-language like OCaml or Haskell. – Yegge points out “you can’t force people to provide meta-data for everything, they’ll hate you”.

The generally-accepted rule-of-thumb for function length is “fits on a screen” or “less than 50/30/20 lines”, etc. (I’ve heard the “Pragmatic Object-Oriented Design in Ruby” argues for even stricter guidelines).

Not long ago, a post about an email from John Carmack about inlining code got quite popular.
Briefly: while small functions are fine for ‘pure’ functions, it’s impractical to have all functions be ‘pure’. For impure functions, there are often implicit assumptions made about state: e.g. it’s expected certain methods are called in a particular order. It’s more straightforward to ‘inline’ the ‘methods’ all in one larger method. This guarantees these ‘methods’ can’t be called elsewhere.

I also recently came across this interesting post from Martin Fowler, about ‘function length’.
The first observation he makes is that “how long should a function be” is asked in lieu of “what should be contained in its own function?”.
The second observation is the astute distinction between a program’s intention and it’s implementation. – He gives the example from an old system where ‘highlighting’ text was the same as ‘reverse-image of display’; but because the intention (‘highlight’) was significantly different from the implementation (‘reverse’), there was value in a method which just deferred the work to another method.

“Descriptive Names are a Code Smell” is an interesting post in this regard.
To paraphrase, “long/descriptive names violate the notion of ‘keep your type-declarations as vague as they need to be’”.
– I think this only applies to ‘implementation’ of a computation. (“I want to get a result in this form, from an input in this form”). Because “descriptive names are bad” flies in the face of “keep intention clear”. – I don’t see this advice as contradictory to e.g. Fowler’s. (Implementation code occurs at a lower level of abstraction than the intention’s code).

But. On the other hand.
“Keep things generic”, ‘polymorphic’ rather than ‘monomorphic’.. it’s easier to see how to do this with generic data structures like lists/arrays/dictionaries. For, say, Java, I suppose you get this polymorphims by Interfaces. (Though I guess with e.g. Python/Ruby, you could be ‘generic’ without needing to provide the meta-data).
– But I imagine this is where (mainstream) languages aren’t so expressive. It’s not so easy to provide abstractions over functions, classes, or at least modules/packages. – It’s not so hard to write a common-enough computation for any array; but not so easy to supply functionality over a module. – Though I can’t think of an example off the top of my head why that’d be necessary.

There’s something else to be cautious of with “be as generic as possible”.
People love to over-engineer; to solve problems they used to have (or think they’ll have) rather than problems they currently have.
There may be different ways to make a program ‘more generic’.

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