
Notes From Some Examination of Some Yi Configs

Earlier I’d posted very briefly about some User Yi Configs. In particular I’m currently curious as to how to customise for, say, adding a new ex command to Yi. I noted that the Ex commands were listed in Yi.Keymap.Vim.Ex. (Note, there is some discordance between the version on GitHub now, and Yi 0.8.1, as Vim2 has since replaced the older [...]

Posted at July 7, 2014 | read more

Adding Next/Previous Post to Hakyll

So. The problem I was trying to solve in my last post was how to add next/prev links to a blogpost.
I’ve since figured out how to do that. See the commit. My problem was, I had an Item String, and wanted to give a Compiler String corresponding to the next (or previous.. let’s ignore that for generality) post’s [...]

Posted at July 6, 2014 | read more

Novice Struggles with Haskell Syntax

I’ve been trying to augment my Hakyll Site with “next post”, “previous post” links in a post. There’s a post in Hakyll Google group asking for the same thing. (Maybe the majority of Hakyll owners just “adapt” from other Hakyll sites…). I’ve run into trouble trying to do this. Hakyll.Web.Template.Context source was a useful start.
But the trouble I [...]

Posted at July 3, 2014 | read more

Yi in a Cabal Sandbox on OSX

For the most part there are instructions for this on the GitHub repo for Yi. Despite that, I ran into a difficulty or two when I tried this.
Like these errors One error which complained was trying to use aeson- Installing a newer version of aeson into the sandbox resolved this. (For some reason, changing the yi.cabal so that [...]

Posted at July 1, 2014 | read more

Additions to Hakyll

The basic Hakyll site is (thankfully) not too glamorous. Some features I wanted to keep from WordPress include the tags, categories, pagination of posts, and ‘teaser’ text for each post. The repository for this site is at rgoulter/my-hakyll-blog if you want to see the actual commits. Tags Doing a Google search for “hakyll tags” probably will lead you to the [...]

Posted at June 30, 2014 | read more

Tmux + Vim + Fish

My use of vim until recently has more/less been in GVim or MacVim. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I hadn’t bothered much with terminal vim. Getting the colours to look not-awful was a difficult task. The difficulty, my current understanding is, is that on the terminal only 256 colours can be shown. (Many colour schemes use colours other [...]

Posted at June 29, 2014 | read more

Migrating to Hakyll

So. I’ve taken the plunge and have started migrating to Hakyll. Hakyll is a static site generator, written in Haskell. Hakyll is like Jekyll, but not Ruby. (Well, I’ve not used Jekyll, so I can’t easily, validly compare them). Why Hakyll? Because Haskell. (Well, Hakyll as opposed to Jekyll). Why a static site generator? ’cause it’s cool. I like the [...]

Posted at June 29, 2014 | read more

Overview of Yi Contrib User Configs

The Yi editor repository on GitHub has a yi-contrib folder with some sample configurations of Yi, which contains about a dozen Haskell files which are hopefully useful to new Yi users. See FuzzyOpen.hs”aims to provide (the essential subset of) the same functionality that vim plugins ctrlp and command-t provide.” It’s written as a module, so that configurations can import [...]

Posted at June 1, 2014 | read more


So. Emacs and Vim are pretty much long-standing kings of text editors. (I’ll include the “vi is awesome, you should use that” in the Vim camp; I’ll include the Sublime Text folk in the “use whatever works” camp). And a sidetrack to talk about how LightTable looks interesting, or whether NeoVim will supersede Vim’s place, or whether Vim is the [...]

Posted at June 1, 2014 | read more


I stumbled across “Emma Approved” during the season of procrastination. “Emma Approved” being a YouTube series from the same folk who made the “Lizzie Bennet Diaries”. Just as LBD adapts from Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”, “Emma Approved” adapts from … “Emma”. I’d heard that Emma isn’t quite a likeable character at the start. This was helpful, since Emma Woodhouse [...]

Posted at June 1, 2014 | read more


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