BattleField 3 (and Call of Duty 4 .. and Crysis 2)
Ha. Can you tell I just finished exams?
BattleField 3 was one I picked up during one of the Humble Bundles. I’m surprised my laptop can manage to play the game; even on Low-quality graphics settings (which is below what the game auto-analysed my computer for, bah) it still looks fantastic.. Also, in terms of Single Player, (since BF3 [...]
So, I just spent until 2am playing Skyrim; y’know like how when an hour has passed between when you looked at the clock?
So I gotta consider “why”.
’cause Skyrim gives me doubts as to whether I enjoy playing it or not. I’m not a fantasy-genre kindof guy.
And in general Skyrim just seems a bit .. [...]
Oh, How Awful to be Young
It seems everyone always laments “Back in the day, when men were men..”, as everyone always has. (The trick is things never were?).
And I’d hate to sound like I’m saying that.
And as a young person myself, I can’t exactly say it’s awful to be young.
So the title is rather more dramatic than my point. [...]
GVim and JavaScript with TernJS
Ok. So after cross-posting the GVim and Java from my NUS blog.. YouCompleteMe not only provides awesome functionality with EClim or Jedi (for Java / Python respectively). Since it can get along with (as I understand things) Vim’s OmniComplete, then YCM works with other intelligent completion things like TernJS. TernJS, made by the same guy who did CodeMirror, does some [...]
GVim, Eclipse and Java
If you’re going to be programming in Java, you’re probably going to need some kind of autocomplete. Eclipse IDE, we pretty much all should know, comes with that advantage.
So, while Notepad++ is great, you’d certainly much rather use Eclipse for such a thing. But in the same way that Eclipse is better at this than Notepad++,
Vim [...]
A Quick Flirtation with Haskell
I decided I should investigate more programming languages, since I don’t hate Java as much as my CS peers do. (Well. Many of my CS peers don’t actually understand Java enough, and this is why they dislike it. But anyway..). One of these languages that isn’t the C/C++/Java which every CS student touches is Haskell. The wonderful Learn You a [...]
Call me "Hipster"...
Maybe I was just in a disagreeable mood, I don’t know. Regarding music, I’d tend to reckon it’s the songs that are to be liked (maybe even the styles), not the musicians who play the music themselves.
Perhaps I can say that because I listen to music on my computer or iPod or whatever, rather than in-person, live performances.
I saw a wee advert on the train last night which read something along the lines of:
“Eat [our healthy brand of cereal] so that: you get more admiration.”
(Followed by a picture of an attractive lady in red. I wouldn’t be convinced that this is a healthy attitude to healthy food. For one, there are probably more [...]
Tomb Raider
So. I finally had the chance of playing Crystal Dynamics’ latest Tomb Raider game.
My impressions of what the game would be like were somewhat pessimistic when early details were announced. Then I kindof stopped paying attention after that. - The re-reboot just looked so .. un-Tomb-Raider-ish. On the whole, it seems this fear was misplaced.
This new [...]
Reader's Response to "At the Duke's Wedding", Pt. 2
I was quite impressed reading Miranda Neville’s novella in “At the Duke’s Wedding”. To discuss why it’s so neat necessitates spoiling. (Well, spoiler: the hero and heroine end up happily-ever-after. If that kindof thing spoils a romance-novel for you, I’m rather surprised..). Within the novella, one key trope the plot relies on is falling-for-your-mate’s-girl. There’re probably other things to be [...]