
Currencies for Strategic Elements in Computer Games

Now, perhaps if I were to try and maintain a consistent blog, I wouldn’t go about writing such a thing, wouldn’t bother discussing videogames without this being a video games blog. As is clear to see, I’ve not been writing much in this blog. It’s hard to say this blog I write has a consistent character; a consistent nature.

Posted at July 15, 2012 | read more

The Most Bizarre Aspect of a Community

I don’t tend to like arguments. They’re a bit of a waste. What’s the point? I have my view, you have yours, and how often, when people are imposing their own opinion on someone else, are views changed through this argument? If I argue with you, I’ll get annoyed (and think I’m right), you’ll get annoyed (and you’ll think you’re [...]

Posted at March 10, 2012 | read more

The Duty of a Traveller

Jonathan Swift, who wrote that very bitter and angry book “Gulliver’s Travels”, makes an excellent statement within it: >“A traveller’s chief aim should be to make men wiser and better, > and to improve their minds by the bad as well as good example, of what they deliver concerning foreign places.
> (“Gulliver’s Travels”, Part II, Chapter 12). Tell [...]

Posted at February 16, 2012 | read more

I would include a title, but it would be a very long title to have, and so I omit said title.

Well. I can’t help but dislike those who would act indignantly to those they would see as lesser beings. If you think someone’s a moron, and treat them like a moron because of that, you fit the description of that indignation.
Why be so mean/cruel to those people? No one starts knowing everything, or with skills at everything. – [...]

Posted at January 18, 2012 | read more

A Short Disclaimer...

The opinions I express here … are my opinions. Although, I should hope I’m in the process of maturing and improving. So, while the internet lives forever, my opinions may die.
I won’t be making the effort to go back and prune the posts so that it conforms to what I think and believe now.
Or rather, “I [...]

Posted at January 12, 2012 | read more


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